Our Studio

A beautiful and nurturing space, dedicated to women's well-being during pregnancy, postpartum and beyond.

Studio classes & offerings

Studio classes & offerings

Here at PURE MAMA Studio, we offer a wide range of classes suited to your every need from pre to post birth.

Classes include:

  • Pregnancy Yoga and Pilates
  • Birthing education
  • Workshops
  • Mums and bubs classes
  • General fitness

We also offer:

  • Space available for rent
  • Shop PUREMAMA skincare

Follow @puremama_studio for upcoming classes/events or check out our current schedule below to book today.


Meet Sammy

Meet Sammy

Hello, I'm Sammy, the new manager of the stunning Pure Mama Studio – a new unique and nurturing space dedicated to women's well-being during the incredible journey of pregnancy and postpartum. 

I’m passionate about creating an environment where mamas-to-be, new mamas, and even long-time mamas can be educated, empowered, and find support and connection. We’re going to be running classes, events, collaborations, and everything in between in this new space and I cannot wait to share it with you.  I’ll be your point of call for this beautiful studio where I’ll oversee operations, help facilitate classes, and bring to life new concepts to support women on their journey. 

I am a mama of two myself and have been a women’s fitness and well-being coach since my early 20s. I’m passionate about supporting women through all stages of their lives and creating a sense of community, especially to support women on their journey into motherhood.  

If you would like to learn more about the space, book it for your own event, or enquire about upcoming classes then please do not hesitate to get in touch.  I would love to hear from you x

Contact us

A space for movement and connection