Self-care guide for mama

Self-care guide for mama

As you prepare for your baby’s arrival, don’t forget to prioritise your own recovery during the crucial fourth trimester. While nesting and prepping for your newborn is exciting, caring for your body and mind post-birth is just as important.

From nourishing your skin to supporting your physical recovery and mental well-being, a little self-care can make all the difference. You deserve to feel your best, mama!

Let's dive deeper.


  • Dehydration is common in the postpartum period, so drinking lots of water and nourishing your skin with a hydrating oil is important to keep it supple and healthy.
  • Hormonal changes in postpartum can cause skin issues and sensitivity; so opt for gentle and non-irritating products.
  • Hormones can also make you more prone to hyperpigmentation ( Melasma), so a broad protection sunscreen is a great idea!
  • If you’re breastfeeding, your nipples can become fragile, cracked and painful; so a healing and protective balm is a must.


  • Getting into your kegels after birth can help your pelvic floor recover and help to prevent incontinence.
  • Light exercise, once you’re cleared for it, can be really beneficial in helping your body recover from childbirth.
  • Ensuring you’re eating a diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats will support you to feel your best and recover well.
  • A belly band can be helpful supporting your lower back and abdominals while you recover and care for bubba.


  • Prioritise moments of self-care in the midst of busy newborn life; whether it’s a short walk, a cup of tea with a friend or doing your skincare routine before bed, it’s so important to look after you, too!
  • Ask for help to ensure you’re getting enough sleep, plenty of good food and lots of support; it takes a village to look after mama too!


  • Rest is essential for healing and recovery, so try to sleep when the baby sleeps, even if it’s just short naps throughout the day. Prioritising sleep will help you recharge and handle the demands of new motherhood.
  • Creating a comfortable, calming sleep environment can improve your quality of rest. Soft lighting, soothing scents, and comfortable pillows can make a huge difference in how rested you feel.


  • Provided the above is well taken care of, skin-to-skin contact with your newborn can help strengthen the bond between you and your baby, while also regulating their body temperature and heart rate. It’s a simple yet powerful way to connect in those early days.
  • Baby wearing is another great option for bonding while keeping your little one close. It allows you to go about your day hands-free while providing comfort and security for your baby. Plus, it can be incredibly soothing for both mama and baby!


Remember, mama, the fourth trimester is a time for healing, adjusting, and bonding with your baby. It’s okay to take things one day at a time and prioritise your well-being. 

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