Recommended by Midwife and Lactation Consultant

Recommended by Midwife and Lactation Consultant
One of New Zealand's leading Lactation Consultants, Libby Cain, highly recommends the Pure Mama Nipple Butter as a proven, natural nipple protective barrier that also aids in the healing process. 

Made with high quality, 100% natural and organic ingredients, and with 5-star reviews, we thought it was essential to get the inside scoop from someone working with pregnant woman on a daily basis. Here is what Libby had to say: 

“This is the first time a brand has really stood out to me and delivers what they say it will do and more. These are products that all mothers can 100% trust."

"Our bodies truly need us differently throughout this journey and ensuring we are nourishing it along the way with the right products is absolutely essential."

Libby's advice on breastfeeding in the early days:

"Sore, tender nipples are very common in the earlier stages of breastfeeding and Pure Mama Nipple Butter is incredibly effective and soothing."

"Mamas have said it helps keep nipples moist while healing and adjusting to the new rigors of breastfeeding."

"I am always advising my patients/clients to stay away from any chemicals and any unnatural ingredients for themselves and their newborn. Whilst there is product out there, this is the first time a brand has really stood out to me and delivers what they say it will do and more."

Libby notes that this is a brand she trusts and all mamas and mamas to be, can 100% trust when using throughout their journey.

A range of skincare that is expert recommended. 


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